The product: A sophisticated query engine

We are building a sophisticated OLAP/SQL query engine for advanced analytics, accessing data from many different data sources (RDBMS’s, Hive, Impala, Druid, Elasticsearch and others). The query engine is written in Scala and builds on Apache Calcite. We are planning to open-source it during the course of this year with the goal of making it an Apache project eventually.

The stack

Scala, Java, Apache Calcite, Spark

The challenge

The project involves working with many interesting concepts related to data processing and querying such as query parsing and validation, relational algebra, creation of logical and physical plans and adapters to different database and execution engines. Your work will also involve participation in the communities of and development of contributions to Calcite and other open-source libraries we use.

Your profile

We highly appreciate experience in:

How we work

We see the interview process as a mutual opportunity to get to know each other — at eye level. That’s why we always strive to respond within hours, not weeks.
